1. Laravel
2. CodeIgniter
3. Symfony
4. YII Framework
5. CakePHP6.
6. Zend Framework
7. Phalcon Framework
8. Slim Framework
9. Fat-Free Framework
10. FuelPHP
Top 10 PHP Web Frameworks for Website Development
Read in detail about Top 10 most used PHP Web Frameworks for Website Development worldwide.
Released in 2011, Laravel is regarded as the best of PHP Web Application Frameworks available to programmers. It was built keeping in mind the best features offered by other web application frameworks preceding it such as ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails and Sinatra to name a few. Laravel is accessible, easy to understand and implement, lightweight, secure and robust and has a simple, readable and elegant syntax, making it the first choice for web developers everywhere.
Launched in 2006, CodeIgniter is arguably the second most popular PHP framework used around the world for Web Development. It is very simple, easy to set up and most lightweight. CodeIgniter provides inherent protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks making websites developed using it more secure.
Released in 2005, Symfony is the third most famous PHP framework in existence today. It was developed by the web agency SensioLabs. Symfony framework is flexible and allows the web developers to keep the naming conventions used for classes built with PHP and therefore can be used across other platforms as well. Biggest advantage of using Symfony is that it is distributed under Open Source MIT license. It means that fewer coding limitations are imposed upon web applications developed.
YII Framework
Initially launched in 2008, YII Framework is an object-oriented PHP web framework. It uses the Model View Controller (MVC) principles and allows a greater degree of compatibility with other platforms. YII (pronounced ji) has a simple, hassle-free syntax that allows programmers to easily manipulate its built-in functions to create websites. It allows for an extremely fast code generation backed by a stalwart code generator for PHP classes called “Gii”. It offers a multi-level support system for caching and query building. Yii Framework is quickly making strides in the web development industry, due to its high-performance and fast loading.
Released in 2005, CakePHP is a rapid web framework of PHP. It is an open-source framework that is distributed under the MIT License. It allows its users to forego commercial use restrictions. It follows Model View Controller (MVC) conventions and is portable across many platforms. CakePHP provides features such as authentication, database access and caching. Thus it makes web development easier for programmers. It offers built-in security features such as Cross-Site Request Forgery protection, SQL Injection Protection, Cross-site scripting protection, and Form Tampering Protection etc.
Zend Framework
Launched in 2006, Zend Framework is an open-source web framework of PHP. It was built in PHP 7 by the Zend Technologies. This object-oriented web framework has a collection of professional PHP based packages. Zend Framework (ZF) is based on the Model View Controller (MVC) and supports the Front Controller solution. Zend Framework provides features like use-at-will (loosely coupled) architecture, flexible caching and RESTful API development. It offers support for many database systems. It comes with extensive developer support.
Phalcon Framework
Released in 2012, Phalcon is an open-source web framework for PHP. It is licensed under the New BSD license. It was coded as a web server extension in Zephir and C language. Advantages of Phalcon Framework are high execution speed, reduction in resource usage and answering more HTTP requests per second. Originally named “Spark” in the draft phase in 2011, it was renamed to “Phalcon” to represent “PHP” and “falcon”.
Slim Framework
Slim is an open-source web framework for PHP. This micro-framework facilitates in writing simple and powerful web apps and APIs. Slim Framework is a relatively new web framework of PHP. But it is getting famous due to its simple design and robust speed.
Fat-Free Framework
Introduced in 2009, Fat-Free Framework is an open-source web framework for PHP. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License. It was created in PHP and is also called F3 by programmers. Fat-Free Framework is a powerful and simple PHP micro-framework built for developing dynamic and robust web applications. It has a full-featured toolkit and super lightweight codebase. It has a URL router, cache engine, and provides multilingual applications support. It offers many optional plug-ins that increase its core functionality.
Launched in 2010, FuelPHP is an open-source web application framework for PHP. It is developed in PHP and is licensed under MIT License. It uses the Hierarchical model-view-controller (HMVC) pattern, which is similar to presentation-abstraction-control (PAC) pattern. FuelPHP Framework is flexible and offers modular and extensible support. It has a URL routing system, RESTful implementation, Template parsing, and a caching system.
Laravel is the top PHP web framework that is most used for Website Development around the world. Over one million websites use Laravel for server-side programming according to BuiltWith. CodeIgniter, Symfony and YII Framework are closely following in popularity. CakePHP, Zend Framework, Phalcon, Slim Framework, Fat-Free, and FuelPHP round up the 10 best web application frameworks of PHP according to usage in website development worldwide.
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